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奇数の完全数 (Odd perfect numbers) が存在するかどうかについては未解決問題である。もしそのような数\(N\)が存在する場合、その大きさは最低でも\(N>10^{1500}\)である[1]現在発見されている完全数は全て偶数に限られており、その形はメルセンヌ素数を含む乗算\(2^{p-1}(2^{p}-1)\)に限られる。なお、偶数の完全数が無数に存在するかどうかも未解決問題である[2][3]






  • \(N>10^{1500}\)[1]
  • 105で割り切れない。[7]
  • \(N\equiv1\pmod{12}\)又は\(N\equiv117\pmod{468}\)あるいは\(N\equiv81\pmod{324}\)である。[8]
  • 最大の素因数は\(10^{8}\)より大きく[9]、かつ\(\sqrt[3]{3N}\)より小さい[10]
  • 2番目に大きな素因数は\(10^{4}\)より大きく、かつ\(\sqrt[5]{2N}\)より小さい。[11][12]
  • 3番目に大きな素因数は\(10^{2}\)より大きい。[13]
  • 重複も数えて少なくとも101個の素因数を持ち、少なくとも10個の相異なる素因数を持つ。[1]
  • 3を素因数としない場合少なくとも12個の[14]、3と5を素因数としない場合少なくとも15個の[15]、3と5と7を素因数としない場合少なくとも27個の相異なる素因数を持つ[15]
  • 素因数分解を\(N=q^{\alpha}p^{2e_{1}}_{1}\cdots p^{2e_{k}}_{k}\)の形で表す時、次の性質を満たす。
    • \(q<p_{1}<\cdots<p_{k}\)は相異なる素数で、\(q \equiv \alpha \equiv 1 \pmod{4}\)を満たす。[4]
    • 最小の素因数は\(\frac{2k+8}{3}\)未満である。[16]
    • \(p_{1}<\frac{2}{3}k+2\)[16]
    • \(p_{i}<2^{2^{i-1}}(k-i+1)\)である。この時\(2\leqq i\leqq6\)である。[17]
    • \(q^{\alpha}\)又は\(p^{2e_{j}}_{j}\)は\(10^{62}\)より大きい。この時\(1\leqq j\leqq k\)である。[1]
    • \(\alpha+2e_{1}+\cdots+2e_{k}\geqq\frac{21k-18}{8}\)[18][19]
    • \(\alpha p_{1}\cdots p_{k}<2N^{\frac{17}{26}}\)[20]
    • \(N\leqq2^{4^{k+1}-2^{k+1}}\)[21]
    • \(e_{j}\not\equiv1\pmod{3}\)[22]かつ\(e_{j}\not\equiv2\pmod{5}\)[23]である。もし左記のどちらか片方でも満たさない場合、最小の素因数は\(10^{8}\)から\(10^{1000}\)の間である[23]
    • \(e_{1}=\cdots=e_{k}=e\)とすると、以下の性質がある。
      • \(e\neq1,2,3,5,6,8,11,12,14,17,18,24,62\)[24][25][26]
      • \(k\leqq2e^{2}+8e+2\)[27]
      • \(N<2^{4^{2e^{2}+8e+3}}\)[27]
      • \(N\equiv1\pmod{12}\)又は\(N\equiv\frac{1}{2}\cdot3^{2e_{1}}(3^{2e_{1}+1}-1)\pmod{2\cdot3^{2e_{1}}(3^{2e_{1}+1}-1)}\)を満たす。[28][29][30][31]
      • \((e_{1},\cdots,e_{k})=(1,\cdots,1,2,\cdots,2)\)である場合、tを1、uを2として、\(\frac{t-1}{4}\leqq u \leqq 2t+\sqrt{\alpha}\)である。[32]
      • \((e_{1},\cdots,e_{k})\neq(1,\cdots,1,3)\)[33]\(,(1,\cdots,1,5),(1,\cdots,1,6)\)[26]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Pascal Ochem & Michaël Rao. (2012) "Odd perfect numbers are greater than \(10^{1500}\)." Mathematics of Computation. 81 (279), 1869-1877.
  2. John Stillwell. (2010) "Mathematics and Its History". Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer, 40. ISBN 978-1-44-196052-8.
  3. Chris Caldwell. "A proof that all even perfect numbers are a power of two times a Mersenne prime".
  4. 4.0 4.1 L. E. Dickson. (1919) "History of the Theory of Numbers, Vol. I." Washington: Carnegie Institution of Washington.
  5. Oliver Knill. (Dec 2, 2007) "The oldest open problem in mathematics." ̄EU Math Circle,.
  6. "Pomerance's Heuristic that Odd Perfect Numbers are Unlikely." OddPerfect.org. (Internet Archive Wayback Machine)
  7. U. Kühnel. (1949) "Verschärfung der notwendigen Bedingungen für die Existenz von ungeraden vollkommenen Zahlen." Mathematische Zeitschrift. 52, 201–211.
  8. Tim S. Roberts. (2008) "On the Form of an Odd Perfect Number" Australian Mathematical Gazette. 35 (4), 244.
  9. T. Goto & Y. Ohno. (2008) "Odd perfect numbers have a prime factor exceeding \(10^{8}\)." Mathematics of Computation. 77 (263), 1859–1868.
  10. Sergei Konyagin & Peter Acquaah. (2012) "On Prime Factors of Odd Perfect Numbers." International Journal of Number Theory. 8 (6), 1537–1540.
  11. D. E. Iannucci. (1999) "The second largest prime divisor of an odd perfect number exceeds ten thousand." Mathematics of Computation. 68 (228), 1749–1760.
  12. Joshua Zelinsky. (2019) "Upper bounds on the second largest prime factor of an odd perfect number." International Journal of Number Theory. 15 (6), 1183–1189
  13. D. E. Iannucci. (2000) "The third largest prime divisor of an odd perfect number exceeds one hundred." Mathematics of Computation. 69 (230), 867–879.
  14. P. P. Nielsen. (2007) "Odd perfect numbers have at least nine distinct prime factors." Mathematics of Computation. 76 (260), 2109–2126.
  15. 15.0 15.1 K. K. Norton. (1960/1961) "Remarks on the number of factors of an odd perfect number." Acta Arith. 6, 365-374.
  16. 16.0 16.1 Otto Grün. (1952) "Über ungerade vollkommene Zahlen." Mathematische Zeitschrift. 55 (3), 353-354.
  17. M. Kishore. (1981) "On odd perfect, quasiperfect, and odd almost perfect numbers." Math. Comp. 36, 583-586.
  18. Joshua Zelinsky. (2018) "An improvement of an inequality of Ochem and Rao concerning odd perfect numbers". Integers. 18.
  19. Pascal Ochem & Michaël Rao. (2014) "On the number of prime factors of an odd perfect number". Mathematics of Computation. 83 (289), 2435–2439.
  20. Carl Pomerance & Florian Luca. (2010) "On the radical of a perfect number." New York Journal of Mathematics. 16, 23–30.
  21. Yong-Gao Chen & Cui-E Tang. (2014) "Improved upper bounds for odd multiperfect numbers". Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society. 89 (3), 353-359.
  22. Wayne L. McDaniel. (1970) "The non-existence of odd perfect numbers of a certain form." Archiv der Mathematik. 21 (1), 52–53.
  23. 23.0 23.1 S. Adam Fletcher, Pace P. Nielsen & Pascal Ochem. (2012) "Sieve methods for odd perfect numbers." Mathematics of Computation. 81 (279), 1753-1776.
  24. Peter Hagis Jr. & Wayne L. McDaniel. (1972) "A new result concerning the structure of odd perfect numbers." Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 32 (1), 13–15.
  25. Peter Hagis Jr. & Wayne L. McDaniel. (1975) "Some results concerning the non-existence of odd perfect numbers of the form \(p^{\alpha}M^{2\beta}\)" Fibonacci Quarterly. 13 (1), 25–28. ISSN 0015-0517.
  26. 26.0 26.1 G. L. Cohen & R. J. Williams. (1985) "Extensions of some results concerning odd perfect numbers." Fibonacci Quarterly. 23 (1), 70–76. ISSN 0015-0517.
  27. 27.0 27.1 Tomohiro Yamada. (2019) "A new upper bound for odd perfect numbers of a special form". Colloquium Mathematicum. 156 (1), 15–21.
  28. J. Touchard. (1953) "On prime numbers and perfect numbers." Scripta Math. 19, 53-59.
  29. M. Satyanarayana. (1959) "Odd perfect numbers." Math. Student. 27, 17-18.
  30. J. A. Holdener. (2002) "A theorem of Touchard on the form of odd perfect numbers". Amer. Math. Monthly'. 109, 661-663.
  31. T. Roberts. (2008) "On the Form of an Odd Perfect Number." Australian Mathematical Gazette. 35 (4), 244.
  32. G. L. Cohen. (1987) "On the largest component of an odd perfect number." Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Series A. 42 (2), 280–286.
  33. Hans-Joachim Kanold. (1950) "Satze uber Kreisteilungspolynome und ihre Anwendungen auf einige zahlentheoretisehe Probleme. II." Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik. 188 (1), 129–146.
