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In Extended Pound-Star Notation, the Astrantergol is #*((10))*((10))*((10))*((10))*100. The name was coined by SuperJedi224.

Source: [1]

Notation Approximation
Arrow notation \(20105\uparrow\uparrow5\)
Hyper-E notation \(\textrm{E}86307\#4\)
Hyperfactorial array notation \(8!1\)
Scientific notation \(10^{10^{10^{10^{86307} } } }\)
Fast-growing hierarchy \(f^5_2(14)\)
Hardy hierarchy \(H_{\omega^{2}*5}(14)\)
Numbers By SuperJedi224

Fibonacci Numbers

Pound-Star Notation

Based on the Faxul

Googovipleccix family

Graham Sequence Numbers

-Illion numbers
