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Avogadro Amedeo

Amedeo Avogadro, the scientist the number is named after

The Avogadro's number is a fixed numerical value equal to the number of constituent particles contained within one mole of substance. It is precisely equal to \(6.02214076 \times 10^{23}\).[1] It is currently used to define mole.

A related term is Avogadro constant, denoted as \(N_A\), which is equal to \(6.02214076 \times 10^{23}\) mol-1.[2]

Before 2019 redefinition of the SI base units, the Avogadro constant was defined as the number of atoms in 12 grams of 12C, and was approximetaly equal to \(6.022140857 \times 10^{23}\text{ mol}^{-1}\).


Notation Lower bound Upper bound
Scientific notation \(6.02214076\times10^{23}\) (exact)
Arrow notation \(5\uparrow34\) \(2\uparrow79\)
Steinhaus-Moser Notation 18[3] 19[3]
Copy notation 5[24] 6[24]
Taro's multivariable Ackermann function A(3,75) A(3,76)
Pound-Star Notation #*(2,1,2,3)*5 #*(3,1,2,3)*5
BEAF {5,34} {2,79}
Hyper-E notation 6E23 E[2]79
Bashicu matrix system (0)(0)(0)[938] (0)(0)(0)[939]
Hyperfactorial array notation 23! 24!
Fast-growing hierarchy \(f_2(72)\) \(f_2(73)\)
Hardy hierarchy \(H_{\omega^2}(72)\) \(H_{\omega^2}(73)\)
Slow-growing hierarchy \(g_{\omega^{17}20+\omega^{15}20}(21)\) \(g_{\omega^{17}20+\omega^{16}}(21)\)


  1. Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (2019) The International System of Units (SI) 9th edition. ISBN 978-92-822-2272-0 p.134.
  2. CODATA Value: Avogadro constant

See also[]

Large numbers in science