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The Bigrand Hyperduillion (coined by SuperJedi224) is equal to H*(10,10,3) using the H* function.

It can be equivalently defined as follows:

Let H(x)=103x+3.

Let n0=10 and nx+1=H(H(...H(10)...))) with nx Hs.

Bigrand Hyperduillion=nnn10.

Source: [1]

Notation Approximation
Arrow notation \(11\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow4\)
Hyper-E notation \(E33\#10\#10\#3\)
Fast-growing hierarchy \(f_{4}(f_{4}(f_{4}(11)))\)
Hardy hierarchy \(H_{\omega^{4}*3}(11)\)
Numbers By SuperJedi224

Fibonacci Numbers

Pound-Star Notation

Based on the Faxul

Googovipleccix family

Graham Sequence Numbers

-Illion numbers

"-Illion" numbers by SuperJedi224
