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N(2) tree

Notes: Tree shows only acceptable sequences inscribed in each node;
Inverse sequences (where A's replaced by B's and vice versa) aren't shown;
Painted purple nodes are members of the longest sequence.

The block subsequence theorem is a theorem due to Harvey Friedman.[1][2][3] It shows that a string with a certain property involving subsequences cannot be infinite. The length of the largest string possible is a function of the alphabet size — the numbers that it generates immediately grow very large. Two numbers in the sequence, n(3) and n(4), are the subject of extensive research.

Suppose we have a string x1, x2, ... made of an alphabet of k letters, such that no block of letters xi, ..., x2i is a subsequence of any later block xj, ..., x2j. (We call such a string a Friedman string.) Friedman showed that such a string cannot be infinite, and for every k there is a Friedman string of maximal length. Call this length n(k).


n(k) is computable, and hence there exists an algorithm to calculate it:

  • Start with 1.
  1. Rewrite number with k-ary positional system and keep it.
  2. Increase number by 1.
  3. Check whether this number represents Friedman string.
  4. If there is no number with m digits which represents Friedman string, then n(k)=m-1.


  • \(n(1) = 3\), using the string "111". "1111" does not satisfy the conditions since x1,x2 = "11" is a subsequence of x2,x3,x4 = "111".
  • \(n(2) = 11\), using the strings "12221111111" or "12221111112". For example, "122211111121" doesn't satisfy the conditions because x1,x2="12" is a subsequence of x6,x7,...,x12="1111121".
  • \(n(3)\) and \(n(4)\) are much larger. The strings which they used aren't known, but Friedman gave the string "1221317321313813513201235313108" = "122131111111331313333333313333313333333333333333333311..."[note 1] with length 216 for \(n(3)\).
  • Define a version of the Ackermann function as follows:
    \(A(1, n) = 2n\)
    \(A(k + 1, n) = 2 \uparrow^k n\)
    \(A(n) = A(n, n)\)
    • \(A(7\,198, 158\,386) < n(3) < A(A(5))\) [note 2]
    • \(n(4) > A^{A(187,196)}(1)\) [note 3]

By definition, it is not hard to see that every n(k) is odd.[4] Friedman has demonstrated that the growth rate of the n function eventually dominates \(H_{\omega^\beta}(n)\) for all \(\beta<\omega^\omega\), but is eventually dominated by \(H_{\omega^{\omega^\omega+1}}(n)\) in the Hardy hierarchy.[note 4] Chris Bird notes[5] that n(k) is "broadly comparable" to {3, 3, ..., 3, 3} (with k 3's) in Bowers' BEAF, or k & 3. For comparison, Graham's number is only about {3, 65, 1, 2}.

n(k) is related[6] to the TREE sequence, which grows even faster.



  1. Appears in "Long Finite Sequences" under Lemma 4.6.
  2. The lower bound is discussed in "Long Finite Sequences" under Theorem 6.8. Friedman also mentions the lower and upper bounds in "Enormous Integers in Real Life" under Theorem 8.3 but does not provide an explanation on how those values were obtained.
  3. Appears in "Enormous Integers in Real Life" under Theorem 8.4 but without a proof.
  4. Appears in "Long Finite Sequences" under Theorem 5.19.

See also[]
