Intel x86 microprocessors[]
How large is the number of possible instructions on the Intel x86 microprocessors? I think that we should have an article about it. -- 08:24, October 8, 2013 (UTC)
Z80 microprocessor[]
The Z80 microprocessor has the following instructions:
202 1-byte opcodes without operands = 202 instructions: 00, 02-05, 07-0D, 0F, 12-15, 17, 19-1D, 1F, 23-25, 27, 29, 2B-2D, 2F, 33-35, 37, 39, 3B-3D, 3F-C1, C5, C7-C9, CF-D1, D5, D7-D9, DF-E1, E3, E5, E7-E9, EB, EF-F1, F3, F5, F7-F9, FB, FF; 24 1-byte opcodes with an 8-bit operand = 6144 instructions: 06, 0E, 10, 16, 18, 1E, 20, 26, 28, 2E, 30, 36, 38, 3E, C6, CE, D3, D6, DB, DE, E6, EE, F6, FE; 26 1-byte opcodes with a 16-bit operand = 1703936 instructions: 01, 11, 21-22, 2A, 31-32, 3A, C2-C4, CA, CC-CD, D2, D4, DA, DC, E2, E4, EA, EC, F2, F4, FA, FC; 436 2-byte opcodes without operands = 436 instructions: CB00-CBFF, DD09, DD19, DD23-DD25, DD29, DD2B-DD2D, DD39, DD44-DD45, DD4C-DD4D, DD54-DD55, DD5C-DD5D, DD60-DD65, DD67-DD6D, DD6F, DD7C-DD7D, DD84-DD85, DD8C-DD8D, DD94-DD95, DD9C-DD9D, DDA4-DDA5, DDAC-DDAD, DDB4-DDB5, DDBC-DDBD, DDE1, DDE3, DDE5, DDE9, DDF9, ED40-ED42, ED44-ED4A, ED4C-ED52, ED54-ED5A, ED5C-ED62, ED64-ED6A, ED6C-ED72, ED74-ED76, ED78-ED7A, ED7C-ED7E, EDA0-EDA3, EDA8-EDAB, EDB0-EDB3, EDB8-EDBB, FD09, FD19, FD23-FD25, FD29, FD2B-FD2D, FD39, FD44-FD45, FD4C-FD4D, FD54-FD55, FD5C-FD5D, FD60-FD65, FD67-FD6D, FD6F, FD7C-FD7D, FD84-FD85, FD8C-FD8D, FD94-FD95, FD9C-FD9D, FDA4-FDA5, FDAC-FDAD, FDB4-FDB5, FDBC-FDBD, FDE1, FDE3, FDE5, FDE9, FDF9; 52 2-byte opcodes with an 8-bit operand = 13312 instructions: DD26, DD2E, DD34-DD35, DD46, DD4E, DD56, DD5E, DD66, DD6E, DD70-DD75, DD77, DD7E, DD86, DD8E, DD96, DD9E, DDA6, DDAE, DDB6, DDBE, FD26, FD2E, FD34-FD35, FD46, FD4E, FD56, FD5E, FD66, FD6E, FD70-FD75, FD77, FD7E, FD86, FD8E, FD96, FD9E, FDA6, FDAE, FDB6, FDBE; 16 2-byte opcodes with a 16-bit operand, or two 8-bit operands = 1048576 instructions: DD21-DD22, DD2A, DD36, ED43, ED4B, ED53, ED5B, ED63, ED6B, ED73, ED7B, FD21-FD22, FD2A, FD36; and finally, 512 3-byte opcodes with an 8-bit operand = 131072 instructions: DDCBxx00-DDCBxxFF, FDCBxx00-FDCBxxFF.
Therefore, the Z80 microprocessor has 1268 opcodes with 2903678 instructions in total. -- 11:38, October 14, 2013 (UTC)