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Flenary of Ukrainian Town is a series of 144 numbers defined by Googology Wiki user DeepLineMadom[1]. Note that the three numbers in the series based off Oblivion are ill-defined.

# Name Value FGH approximation [note 1]
1 Hox 13 \(f_1(6)\)
2 Goldenrod 768 \(f_2(7)\)
3 Dynamite 32,767 \(f_2(11)\)
4 TNT 2,147,483,647 \(f_2(26)\)
5 Cyanide 987,654,321 \(f_2(25)\)
6 Tabun TNTDynamite ≈ 2.2176803 × 10305,779 \(f_2^2(15)\)
7 Dioxin 101010101,000,000 = 10101010106 \(f_2^5(17)\)
8 Sarin Tabun↑↑Dioxin \(f_3(f_2^5(17))\)
9 Soman Sarin↑↑↑Sarin \(f_4(f_3(f_2^5(17)))\)
10 Duplon Dioxin↑↑↑↑Soman \(f_5(f_4(f_3^2(5)))\)
11 Botox Duplon↑↑↑↑↑Cyanide \(f_6(f_2(25))\)
12 Niger[note 2] Botox↑↑↑↑↑↑Botox \(f_7(f_6(f_2(25)))\)
13 Beauty 1!+3!+3!+7! = 5,053 \(f_2(9)\)
14 Pinky 40,585 \(f_2(12)\)
15 Dramala Pinky^2-Beauty^2 = 1,621,609,416 \(f_2(26)\)
16 Drava Niger ↑Dramala Goldenrod \(f_{\omega}(f_2(26))\)
17 Pesty Pitt / Aluminium phosphide {Drava, Drava, 1, 1, 1, 2} in BEAF \(f_{\omega^3+1}(f_{\omega}(f_2(26)))\)
18 Cancer / Gallium arsenide E[Hox]Beauty#^#^##Pinky in Cascading-E notation \(f_{\omega^{\omega^{\omega^2}}}(f_{\omega^3+1}(f_{\omega}(f_2(26))))\)
19 Mentalize Gallium arsenide![1,1,1,1,1,1,Aluminium phosphide] in Hyperfactorial array notation \(f_{\eta_{\omega}}(f_{\omega^{\omega^{\omega^2}}}(f_{\omega^3+1}^2(2)))\)
20 Redhead 1,234,567,890,123,456,789 \(f_2(54)\)
21 Hyper pectrol number Redhead↑↑↑Redhead \(f_4(f_2(54))\)
22 Honiara E[Hox]Mentalize#^^^^^###^^#>#^#^^#>(#^^^^#)^^^(#^^^^#)>(#^#*#+#)(Hyper pectrol number) in Extended Cascading-E Notation \(f_{\varphi(3,\varphi(1,\varphi(2,0,0),\omega^{\omega+1}+\omega),0)}(f_4(f_2(54)))\)
23 Zombie Essence / Perfluoroisobutene / Perfluoroisobutylene E880#880#880 in Hyper-E notation \(f_4(880)\)
24 Phosphated Boy / Sulfotep Pinky!1 in Hyperfactorial array notation = 40,58540,58440,583...54321 in exponential factorial notation \(f_3(40583)\)
25 Deadly Ray / 1,3-Dichloro-1,2,2,3,3-pentafluoropropane {13,2(1(2)2,3)3(5)3} in BEAF \(f_{\omega^{\omega^{\omega^{\omega^2+1}3+\omega^{\omega^2}2+1}+\omega^5}2+\omega^{\omega^{\omega^{\omega^2+1}3+\omega^{\omega^2}2+1}}2}(13)\)
26 Arq Sulfotep!2 in Hyperfactorial array notation \(f_4(f_3(40583))\)
27 Kifo[note 3] Arq!3 in Hyperfactorial array notation \(f_5(f_4(f_3(40583)))\)
28 Cucumber (Goldenrod^Hox)/Cyanide ≈ 32,740,921,027,695,014,909,289,151,495 \(f_2(98)\)
29 Greaky / Thallium {(Deadly Ray), Kifo [1 [1 [1 [1 \ 7 ¬ 2] 2 ¬ 2] 2 ¬ 2] 2] 2} in Bird's Hierarchial Hyper-Nested Array Notation \(f_{\psi_0(\Omega^{\Omega^{\Omega^{\Omega^{\Omega^{\Omega^6}}}}})}(f_5(f_4(f_3(40583))))\)
30 Radon 7[0{0{4}0{4}1}1]7 in Phenol notation \(f_{\omega^{\omega^{\omega^{\omega^4 2}}}}(7)\) [note 4]
31 Pyrophord g4,707 \(f_{\omega+1}(4707)\)
32 Vazhil 9,870,123 \(f_2(19)\)
33 Ads 973 = 912,673 \(f_2(16)\)
34 Vatican City 1,458 \(f_2(8)\)
35 Affordable 1/1970 ≈ 0.00050761421319797 \((f_2(8))^{-1}\)
36 Furan Niger[1{1{2}4}2]Niger in DeepLineMadom's Array Notation \(f_{\omega^{\omega^{\omega^{\omega}3}}}(f_6(f_5(f_2(25))))\)
37 Pyongyang SCG(Honiara) \(f_{\psi_0(\varepsilon_{\Omega_{\omega}+1})}\)\((\text{Honiara})\)
38 Papuanillion Niger ↑7 Niger \(f_8(f_7(f_6^2(2))))\)
39 Tuvalu Papuanillion ↑8 Papuanillion \(f_9(f_8(f_7^2(2))))\)
40 Agent Sam Tuvalu ↑9 Tuvalu \(f_{10}(f_9(f_8^2(2))))\)
41 Colorblind / Selenium trioxide Agent Sam[1 {1 <1 <1 <1 <3> 2> 2> 2> 2} 2]Radon in DeepLineMadom's Array Notation \(f_{\psi_0(\psi_1^8(2))}(f_{\omega^{\omega^{\omega^{\omega^4 2}}}}(7))\)
42 Reaper Agent Sam ↑10 Agent Sam \(f_{11}(f_{10}(f_9^2(2))))\)
43 Zeus 999,999 \(f_2(16)\)
44 Sacrificed Zeus 999↑↑999 & 999 in BEAF tetrational arrays \(f_{\varepsilon_0}(1001)\)
45 Entropy Reaper ↑11 Reaper \(f_{12}(f_{11}(f_{10}^2(2))))\)
46 Exploded Entropy {Entropy, Zeus, 1, 5} in BEAF \(f_{\omega 4 + 1}(f_2(16))\)
47 Sana'a {Exploded Entropy, Exploded Entropy, 1, 1, 3} in BEAF \(f_{\omega^2 2 + 1}(f_{\omega 4 + 1}(f_2(16)))\)
48 Disinfected Berbers E(Sana'a)#^^#>#(Sacrificed Zeus) in Extended Cascading-E Notation \(f_{\varepsilon_{\omega}}(f_{\varepsilon_0}(1001))\)
49 Children's Requiem Entropy{Entropy}Entropy in hyper operator notation = Entropy ↑Entropy Entropy \(f_{\omega}(f_{13}(2))\)
50 Latvian Pottery Children's Requiem{{1}}Children's Requiem = {Children's Requiem, Children's Requiem, 1, 2} in BEAF \(f_{\omega+1}(f_{\omega}(f_{13}(2)))\)
51 Newtopia / Ozone 127! ≈ 3.01266002 × 10213 \(f_2(700)\)
52 Mysteria Latvian Pottery[2,1]Latvian Pottery in Phenol notation = Latvian Pottery{{2}}Latvian Pottery \(f_{\omega+2}^2(2)\) [note 4]
53 Odin / Polonium-210 Mysteria[3,1]Mysteria in Phenol notation = Mysteria{{3}}Mysteria \(f_{\omega+3}^2(2)\) [note 4]
54 Nut / Sodium Astatide Polonium-210[0,2]Polonium-210 in Phenol notation = {Polonium-210, Polonium-210, Polonium-210, 2} in BEAF \(f_{\omega 2}(f_{\omega+3}^2(2))\) [note 4]
55 The Big Death {Sodium Astatide,Polonium-210 [Entropy [Mysteria [Latvian Pottery \ Children's Requiem \ Sana'a [2 ¬ 2] Zeus] Ozone ¬ 2] Exploded Entropy] Disinfected Berbers} in Bird's array notation \(f_{\varphi(\zeta_{\varphi(\omega,\omega)+\omega},0)}(f_{\omega^2 2 + 1}(f_{\omega 4 + 1}(f_2(16))))\) [note 4]
56 Somaliland[note 5] BBPyongyang(The Big Death) Uncomputable naive extension
57 Inception Sodium Astatide[1,2]Sodium Astatide in Phenol notation = Sodium Astatide{{{1}}}Sodium Astatide \(f_{\omega 2+1}(f_{\omega 2}(3))\) [note 4]
58 Elderly Quilt Inception[2,2]Inception in Phenol notation \(f_{\omega 2+2}(f_{\omega 2+1}(2))\) [note 4]
59 Black Death Elderly Quilt[0,3]Elderly Quilt in Phenol notation \(f_{\omega 3}(f_{\omega 2+3}(2))\) [note 4]
60 Somberdune Black Death[1,3]Black Death in Phenol notation \(f_{\omega 3+1}(f_{\omega 3}(3))\) [note 4]
61 Ghast Somberdune[0,4]Somberdune in Phenol notation \(f_{\omega 4}(f_{\omega 3+2}(2))\) [note 4]
62 Zoglin Ghast[0,5]Ghast in Phenol notation \(f_{\omega 5}(f_{\omega 4+1}(2))\) [note 4]
63 Gypsy Zoglin[0,0,1]Zoglin in Phenol notation \(f_{\omega^2}(f_{\omega 5+1}(2))\) [note 4]
64 Gunter Gypsy[1,0,1]Gypsy in Phenol notation \(f_{\omega^2+1}(f_{\omega^2}(5))\) [note 4]
65 Truddion Gunter[0,1,1]Gunter in Phenol notation \(f_{\omega^2+\omega}(f_{\omega^2+2}(2))\) [note 4]
66 Pofarino Truddion[0,0,2]Truddion in Phenol notation \(f_{\omega^2 2}(f_{\omega^2+\omega+1}(2))\) [note 4]
67 Toxic Cloud Pofarino[0,0,3]Pofarino in Phenol notation \(f_{\omega^2 3}(f_{\omega^2 2+1}(2))\) [note 4]
68 Diavals Toxic Cloud[0,0,0,1]Toxic Cloud in Phenol notation \(f_{\omega^3}(f_{\omega^2 3+1}(2))\) [note 4]
69 Fermary Diavals[0,0,0,2]Diavals in Phenol notation \(f_{\omega^3 2}(f_{\omega^3+1}(2))\) [note 4]
70 Truccto Fermary[0,0,0,0,1]Fermary in Phenol notation \(f_{\omega^4}(f_{\omega^3 2+1}(2))\) [note 4]
71 Bleed / Zinc Phosphide Truccto[0,0,0,0,0,1]Truccto in Phenol notation \(f_{\omega^5}(f_{\omega^4+1}(2))\) [note 4]
72 Investment Zinc Phosphide[0{1}1]Zinc Phosphide in Phenol notation \(f_{\omega^{\omega}}(f_{\omega^5+1}(2))\) [note 4]
73 Greasy Investment Children's Requiem[Investment{Investment{Investment}Investment}Investment]Children's Requiem in DeepLineMadom's Array Notation \(f_{\omega^{\omega^{\omega^{\omega+1}}}}(f_{\omega^{\omega}}(f_{\omega^5+1}(2)))\) [note 4]
74 Pitcairnery[note 5] RayoGreasy Investment(Somaliland) Uncomputable naive extension [note 4]
75 Grand Pitcairnery[note 5] RayoPitcairnery(Greasy Investment) Uncomputable naive extension [note 4]
76 Great Pitcairnery[note 5] RayoGrand Pitcairnery(Pitcairnery) Uncomputable naive extension [note 4]
77 Gigantic Pitcairnery[note 5] RayoGreat Pitcairnery(Grand Pitcairnery) Uncomputable naive extension [note 4]
78 Gorged Pitcairnery[note 5] RayoGigantic Pitcairnery(Great Pitcairnery) Uncomputable naive extension [note 4]
79 Gulp Pitcairnery[note 5] RayoGorged Pitcairnery(Gigantic Pitcairnery) Uncomputable naive extension [note 4]
80 Gasp Pitcairnery[note 5] RayoGulp Pitcairnery(Gorged Pitcairnery) Uncomputable naive extension [note 4]
81 Ginormous Pitcairnery[note 5] RayoGasp Pitcairnery(Gulp Pitcairnery) Uncomputable naive extension [note 4]
82 Golden Pitcairnery[note 5] RayoRayoRayo...Rayo(Children's Requiem)...(Ginormous Pitcairnery)(Ginormous Pitcairnery)(Ginormous Pitcairnery) with Somaliland Rayo's Uncomputable naive extension [note 4]
83 The True Cycles[note 6] The largest number defined using no more than a Pitcairnery symbols in some K(Selenium trioxide) system Ill-defined uncomputable, unformalised
84 Uttery True Cycles[note 6] The largest finite number that can be uniquely defined using no more than The True Cycles symbols in some K(The True Cycles) system in some K2(The True Cycles) 2-system in some K3(The True Cycles) 3-system in some K4(The True Cycles) 4-system in some .........KThe True Cycles(The True Cycles) The True Cycles-system where the number The True Cycles can be represented with one symbol (byte).", where a Km(n) m-system is an arbitrary well-defined system of mathematics that can generate K(m-1)(n) (m-1)-systems and which can be uniquely described in at most n symbols and a K1(n) system is an arbitrary well-defined system of mathematics which can be uniquely described in n symbols. Ill-defined uncomputable, unformalised
85 Dismentalize the Oblivion[note 6] The largest finite number that can be uniquely defined using no more than "Uttery True Cycles symbols in some K(Uttery True Cycles) system in some K2(Uttery True Cycles) 2-system in some K3(Uttery True Cycles) 3-system in some K4(Uttery True Cycles) 4-system in some .........KUttery True Cycles(Uttery True Cycles) Uttery True Cycles-system" with Golden Pitcairnery cycles, where the number Uttery True Cycles can be represented with one symbol (byte).", where a Km(n) m-system is an arbitrary well-defined system of mathematics that can generate K(m-1)(n) (m-1)-systems and which can be uniquely described in at most n symbols and a K1(n) system is an arbitrary well-defined system of mathematics which can be uniquely described in n symbols, and "cycles" can be represented using complete recursion-based diagonalization under the fundamental sequence "The True Cycles, Uttery True Cycles, ...". This number is intended to be far larger than Utter Oblivion and Hayden's Ultimate Oblivion. Ill-defined uncomputable, unformalised
86 Vladivostok Investment[1{1}1]Investment in Phenol notation [note 4]
87 Bigarr Vladivostok[0,1{1}1]Vladivostok in Phenol notation [note 4]
88 Solidify Bigarr[0{1}2]Bigarr in Phenol notation [note 4]
89 Revar Solidify[0{1}0,1]Solidify in Phenol notation [note 4]
90 Penterax Revar[0{1}0,0,1]Revar in Phenol notation [note 4]
91 Narrowing Penterax[0{1}0{1}1]Penterax in Phenol notation [note 4]
92 Godforth Narrowing[0{1}0{1}0{1}1]Narrowing in Phenol notation [note 4]
93 Deuterforth Godforth[0{2}1]Godforth in Phenol notation [note 4]
94 Mulstat Deuterforth[0{3}1]Deuterforth in Phenol notation [note 4]
95 Gandingan Machine Mulstat[0{4}1]Mulstat in Phenol notation [note 4]
96 Errity Gandingan Machine[0{0,1}1]Gandingan Machine in Phenol notation [note 4]
97 Flowered Game Errity[0{1,1}1]Errity in Phenol notation [note 4]
98 Cyclone Duna Flowered Game[0{2,1}1]Flowered Game in Phenol notation [note 4]
99 Powergord Cyclone Duna[0{0,2}1]Cyclone Duna in Phenol notation [note 4]
100 Asteronx Powergord[0{0,3}1]Powergord in Phenol notation [note 4]
101 Lunamate Asteronx[0{0,0,1}1]Asteronx in Phenol notation [note 4]
102 Peru Lunamate[0{0,0,0,1}1]Lunamate in Phenol notation [note 4]
103 Charred Forest Peru[0{0,0,0,0,1}1]Peru in Phenol notation [note 4]
104 Bloody Desert Charred Forest[0{0{1}1}1]Charred Forest in Phenol notation [note 4]
105 Ambient Chunk Bloody Desert[0{0{2}1}1]Bloody Desert in Phenol notation [note 4]
106 Velgrods Ambient Chunk[0{0{3}1}1]Ambient Chunk in Phenol notation [note 4]
107 Vehar Velgrods[0{0{0,1}1}1]Velgrods in Phenol notation [note 4]
108 Cyberstand Vehar[0{0{0,0,1}1}1]Vehar in Phenol notation [note 4]
109 Doggy Metal Cyberstand[0{0{0{1}1}1}1]Cyberstand in Phenol notation [note 4]
110 Hot Piranha Doggy Metal[0{0{0{0,1}1}1}1]Doggy Metal in Phenol notation [note 4]
111 Gobber Rush Latvian Pottery[1{1 «1 <1 // 2> 3» 2}2]Latvian Pottery in DeepLineMadom's Array Notation \(f_{\psi_0(\Omega_2^{\psi_1(\Omega_2) 2})}(f_{\omega+1}(f_{\omega}(f_{13}(2))))\)
112 Rotten Egg / Hydrogen selenide Furan[1{1 <<<<1 <<<1 <<1 <2> 2>> 2>>> 2>>>> 2}2]Furan in DeepLineMadom's Array Notation \(f_{\psi_0(\Omega_4^{\Omega_3^{\Omega_2^{\Omega^{\omega}}}})}(f_{\omega^{\omega^{\omega^{\omega}3}}}(f_7(f_6(f_2(25)))))\)
113 Bronx Honey 142857[1{1 \ 1 {1 \ 2,2} 3}2]1337 in DeepLineMadom's Array Notation \(f_{\psi_0(\Omega_{\Omega_{\omega+1}2})}(1337)\)
114 Budapest Peaks 255[1{1 «1 «1 // 3» 3» 2}2]255 in DeepLineMadom's Array Notation \(f_{\psi_0(\Omega_2^{\Omega_2^{\Omega_2^{\Omega_2^2} 2}})}(255)\)
115 Rio Grande 99[1{1 {1 \ 7} 1 {1 \ 7} 2 \ 7}2]99 in DLMAN \(f_{\psi_0(\Omega_6^2)}(99)\)
116 Split 3[1{1 <1 / 1 / 1 / 1,2> 2}2]1430 in DLMAN \(f_{\psi_0(\Omega^{\Omega^{\Omega^2 \omega}})}(1430)\)
117 Soweto 5[1{1 {1 {1 \ 1,2} 2 \ 2}\ 2 {1 \ 1,2}\ 2}2]75 in DLMAN \(f_{\psi(M^{M^{\omega}}+M^{M\Omega_{\omega}})}(75)\)
118 Nuuk 12[1{1 \\\\\ 1 \\\\\ 2}2]12 in DLMAN \(f_{\psi(M_3)}(12)\)
119 Murmansk 1048576[1{1 \^(1,2) 2}2]1048576 in DLMAN \(f_{\psi(M_{\omega})}(f_2(16))\)
120 Livonian Coast 15[1{1 \^(1 \^(1 \ 2) 2) 2}2]15 in DLMAN \(f_{\psi(M_{M_M})}(15)\)
121 Fjord 3[1{1 / 1 / 2}2]24 in DLMAN \(f_{\zeta_0}(24)\)
122 Irbe Strait 6[1{1 \{{1 \{{1}} 3}} 2}2]6 in DLMAN \(f_{\psi(\Omega_{\Omega_{M+1}2})}(6)\)
123 Dushanbe 31[5 {5 \ 5} 5]31 in DLMAN \(f_{\omega^{\omega^{\psi_0(\Omega_4)+4}}4+4}(31)\)
124 Crimson Forest {42, 210 [1 [1 ¬ 1,2] 2] 2} in BAN \(f_{\psi_0(\Omega_2 \omega)}(210)\)
125 Warped Forest {210, 42 [1 [1 ¬ 4] 2] 2} in BAN \(f_{\psi_0(\Omega_2 2)}(42)\)
126 Petrified Newtopia / Petrified Ozone 127!1 in Hyperfactorial array notation \(f_3(125)\)
127 Dense Newtopia / Dense Ozone 127!2 in Hyperfactorial array notation \(f_4(125)\)
128 Compressed Newtopia / Compressed Ozone 127!3 in Hyperfactorial array notation \(f_5(125)\)
129 Solid Newtopia / Solid Ozone 127!4 in Hyperfactorial array notation \(f_6(125)\)
130 Phenol-infused-cyanide Cyanide[9,8{7{6,5}4{3}2}1]Cyanide in Phenol notation \(f_{\omega^{\omega^{\omega^{\omega 5+6}+\omega^3}2+\omega^{\omega 5+6}4+7}+\omega 8+9}(f_2(25))\) [note 4]
131 The True Dark 0^0 (undefined (see zero to the power of zero)) Undefined number in formalized system
132 Daugavillion 14[0{0{0{0{0{0,1}1}1}1}1}1]14 in Phenol notation \(f_{\varepsilon_0[12]}(14)\) [note 4]
133 Tabunillion 103×Tabun+3 ≈ 106.653041 × 10305,779 \(f_2^2(14)\)
134 Refused Ads 9[1,2,6,7]3 in Phenol notation \(f_{\omega^3 7+\omega^2 6+\omega 2}^2(9)\) [note 4]
135 Phenol-infused-dramala 16[2,1,6,0,9,4]16 in Phenol notation \(f_{\omega^5 4+\omega^4 9+\omega^2 6+\omega+2}(15)\) [note 4]
136 Power V.A.Z.H.I.L Vazhil[1,1]Vazhil in Phenol notation \(f_{\omega+1}(f_2(19))\) [note 4]
137 Void Monday 1/Dushanbe \((f_{\omega^{\omega^{\psi_0(\Omega_4)+4}}4+4}(31))^{-1}\)
138 Purplementized Fjord 3[1{1 <1 / 1 / 2> 2}2]24 in DLMAN (part 4) \(f_{\psi_0(\Omega^{\Omega^{\Omega}})}(24)\)
139 Gypsy of the Vaticans 101010Vatican City = 1010101,458 \(f_2^3(4842)\)
140 Dangerous 365↑↑3 = 365365365 ~ 104.4210385 × 10935 \(f_2^2(1204)\)
141 Benzo(a)pyrene Dangerous↑↑↑Dangerous \(f_4(f_2^2(1204))\)
142 Noodly Alien Pyrophord↑↑Pyrophord[note 7] \(f_{\omega+1}(4707)\)
143 Destroy Affordable! ≈ 0.999707251858[note 8]
144 Fingerdream tan(Vazhil) in degrees ≈ 0.052407779283[note 8]


  1. Using the Extended Buchholz's function for the \(\psi\) function for the expression \(\psi_0\). Otherwise, using OCFs based on systems of fundamental sequences for the functions collapsing inaccessible and Mahlo cardinals.
  2. Refered to the Niger River
  3. From Swahili, meaning "death"
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 4.29 4.30 4.31 4.32 4.33 4.34 4.35 4.36 4.37 4.38 4.39 4.40 4.41 4.42 4.43 4.44 4.45 4.46 4.47 4.48 4.49 4.50 4.51 4.52 4.53 4.54 4.55 4.56 4.57 4.58 4.59 4.60 Previously used the Username5243's Array Notation (UNAN) as it has turned out to be ill-defined, so Phenol notation is used to fix its ill-definedness of UNAN instead.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 Naive extension of an uncomputable function.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Ill-defined uncomputable number (see Oblivion and Utter Oblivion).
  7. Naive extension based on weaker computable functions applied to the vastly stronger computable one.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Irrational number.

