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The Geiggeim is part of the googo- naming system. By substituting -ei- for eight for both the -oo- and the -o- of googo- googom, \(2,000^{1,000}\), is transformed into geigeim, \(8,000^{8,000}\) or \(^{2}8,000\), which is then upgraded by the interior -g- to g(4, 2, 8000) using Ackermann's Generalized Exponential Notation.[1]. As such, it is equal to \(8,000\uparrow\uparrow 8,000\).

Approximations in other notations[]

Notation Approximation
Fast-growing hierarchy \(f_3(8,000)\)
Hyperfactorial array notation \(8002!1\)


See also[]
