Googology Wiki
Googology Wiki
Googology Wiki

Googology Wiki is an online encyclopedia and community dedicated to large numbers.

Welcome to the Internet's most comprehensive database of large numbers and fast-growing functions. We have made 26,608 articles since December 5, 2008. If you're fascinated by numbers like gossol or gongulus, why not help us out? We encourage you to edit! As of December 5, 2024, Googology Wiki is now 16 years old and going strong!

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New to big numbers?

Googology is the mathematical study of large numbers and fast-growing functions, as well as their properties and nomenclature. If you're interested in the subject, but you don't know where to start, try reading about some basic functions and ideas:

Also, be sure to check out the links below.

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We have reached 0% of our goal of 10100 articles!


Two stones produce two houses; three form six; four form twenty-four; five form one hundred and twenty; six form seven hundred and twenty; seven form five thousand and forty; and beyond this their numbers increase so that the mouth can hardly utter them, nor the ear hear the number of them.
  —Sefer Yetzirah[src]


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This is a compilation of websites that may be of interest to large number enthusiasts.

For beginners
Non-wiki googology links in other languages
