Googology Wiki is an online encyclopedia and community dedicated to large numbers.
Welcome to the Internet's most comprehensive database of large numbers and fast-growing functions. We have made 29,014 articles since December 5, 2008. If you're fascinated by numbers like lineatrix or dueicosedohectillion, why not help us out? We encourage you to edit! As of December 5, 2024, Googology Wiki is now 16 years old and going strong!
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New to big numbers?
Googology is the mathematical study of large numbers and fast-growing functions, as well as their properties and nomenclature. If you're interested in the subject, but you don't know where to start, try reading about some basic functions and ideas:
- Short essay on the foundations and history of the field
- Googol and googolplex
- Tetration
- Arrow notation
- Graham's number
- Introduction to Googology blog post by Sbiis Saibian
- List of googolisms and functions
Also, be sure to check out the links below.
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Article Count Progress
We have reached 0% of our goal of 10100 articles!
Got an idea or a creation to share? Create an account on Fandom if you haven't already, wait for being autoconfirmed and create a blog post.
Please read carefully FANDOM's terms of use and the policy before creating or editing an article. See community portal for more information.
- February 8, 2025: A 29,000th article was made!
- February 2, 2025: In the midst of the article creation blowout, a 28,000th article was made!
- January 28, 2025: We managed to get to the 27,000th article! The article creation blowout territory continues…
- January 22, 2025: Malay Googology Wiki has been launched on Fandom.
- January 21, 2025: We managed to reach the 26,000th article!
- January 14, 2025: Here's a HUGE milestone! The 25,000th article, that's quarter to a lakh!
- January 13, 2025: 24,000th article after just a single day from the previous milestone! We're near a big milestone!
- January 12, 2025: We've hit the 23,000th article! The article creation blowout territory began!
- January 10, 2025: We made into the 22,222nd article!
- January 8, 2025: We reached the 22,000th article!
- January 7, 2025: Fandom announced that Googology Wiki would be migrated to MediaWiki 1.43 by April.
- January 1, 2025: Happy New Year, 2025!
- December 5, 2024: Googology Wiki turned 16 years old!
- November 29, 2024 We reached the 21,000-th article!
- November 17, 2024: Polish Googology Wiki has been launched on fandom.
- October 28, 2024: A Russian court ordered Google to pay compensation to blocked Russian state TV channels, amounting to 2 undecillion rubles.
- October 21, 2024: The new largest known prime, 2136,279,841-1 was discovered after nearly 6 years!
- July 2, 2024: FF(5) or S(5) = 47,176,870 was proved.
- June 7, 2024: This is a SUPER MILESTONE!!! We finally reached our 20,000th article!!!
- May 5, 2024: We finally reached our 19,000-th article!
- January 1, 2024: Happy New Year, 2024!
This is a compilation of websites that may be of interest to large number enthusiasts.
- For beginners
- What is googology? Genspark (AI) collected and summarized information on googology. Recommended for beginners to get some background information.
- Large numbers increasing Douglas Shamlin Jr.'s video series about increasing numbers. It goes from zero to numbers described using Bird's array notation. Recommended for beginners.
- One to Infinity: A Guide to the Finite by Sbiis Saibian/(user), a guided tour of googology and number systems. Recommended for beginners.
- Large Numbers by Robert Munafo. Recommended for beginners.
- Sites
- Aarex Googology by Aarex Tiaokhiao/(user (inactive))
- Big Number Central by Jonathan Bowers
- Notable Properties of Specific Numbers by Robert Munafo
- Super Huge Numbers (main site) by Chris Bird
- Pointless Large Number Stuff by wiki user cookiefonster
- Big Number Duel by Agustín Rayo
- Hayden's Big Numbers by wiki user HaydenTheGoogologist2009
- Pointless Googolplex Stuffs and ExE ultimate googolism generator by wiki user DeepLineMadom
- AR Googol by wiki user ARsygo
- Who Can Name the Bigger Number? by Scott Aaronson
- Turing Machine Simulator by Anthony Morphett
- CompactStar's Googology by wiki user CompactStar
- Impossible Numbers by wiki user Antfarmerguys
- Subreddits
- Ordinals
- Ordinal Explorer by wiki user Rgetar
- An interactive diagram for ordinals up to \(\varepsilon_{\varepsilon_0}\)
- Non-wiki googology links in other languages
- 大数入门 for those who know Chinese. Beware though, the article contains tons of mistakes.
- Large Number in pixiv dictionary for those who know Japanese.
- Miscellany
- Googol Maps 2.0 (year - size) by wiki user Koteitan