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Great Big Box, coined by SuperJedi224, is equal to \(\boxed{1000}\) in Steinhaus-Moser Notation.[1]

A Googology Wiki user CompactStar coined the term Unoldeka for 1000[1] in Ampersand Notation.[2] A Japanese Googology Wiki user Nayuta Ito proved that 1000[1] in Ampersand Notation is equal to \(\boxed{1000}\) in Steinhaus-Moser Notation, and hence Unoldeka is equal to Great Big Box.[3] It is equal to 1000[][]...[][] with 1000 copies of [] in Ampersand Notation.


Notation Approximation
Arrow notation \(1000\uparrow\uparrow1001\)
Hyper-E notation \( \mathrm{E}3003.47712125472\#1000 \)
Fast-growing hierarchy \(f_{3}(1001)\)
Hardy hierarchy \(H_{\omega^{3}}(1001)\)
Slow-growing hierarchy \(g_{\epsilon_{0}}(1002)\)


Numbers By SuperJedi224

Fibonacci Numbers

Pound-Star Notation

Based on the Faxul

Googovipleccix family

Graham Sequence Numbers

-Illion numbers

Basic Ampersand Notation
Emptol group:
Unol group:
Duol group:
