Hyper oblivion is the largest finite number that can be uniquely defined using no more than an ultimate oblivion symbols in some K(ultimate Oblivion) system in some K2(ultimate Oblivion) 2-system in some K3(ultimate Oblivion) 3-system in some K4(ultimate Oblivion) 4-system in some... KUltimate Oblivion(Ultimate Oblivion) Ultimate Oblivion-system where the number Ultimate Oblivion can be represented with one symbol (byte).", where a Km(n) m-system is an arbitrary well-defined system of mathematics that can generate K(m-1)(n) (m-1)-systems and which can be uniquely described in at most n symbols and a K1(n) system is an arbitrary well-defined system of mathematics which can be uniquely described in n symbols. this term was coined by NihilusTheAbsolutist.[1]. It is also equal to Sam(3) In DeepLineMadoms “Sam function”[2]. It is also equal to 无S(Ultimate oblivion) In Strong Entropic function. The idea of the number came from A video called Number 0 To ABSOLUTE INFINITY Version 3.0!!! [FULL HD] By user TCOH672 Where the number “Hyper oblivion” Appears at 1:01:16 [3]
Busy beaver numbers (based on Turing theories): \(\Sigma(1919)\) (1919th busy beaver number) · Fish number 4 · \(\Xi(10^6)\) · \(\Sigma_{\infty}(10^9)\)
Rayo's numbers (based on Set theories): Rayo's number (Rayo(10100)) · Fish number 7 · BIG FOOT (FOOT10(10100)) · Little Bigeddon · Sasquatch · Large Number Garden Number
Miscellany: Hollom's number · Oblivion · Utter Oblivion · (Ultimate Oblivion) · (Hyper oblivion) · (Ultra Oblivion)