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Jaghanya Parita Asaṃkhyata illustration

Jaghanya Parita Asaṃkhyata illustration

Jaghanya Parīta Asaṃkhyāta (Innumerable of low enhanced order), or JPA, is a large number defined in ancient Indian literature of Jainism such as the Anuyogadvāra Sūtra (ca. 1st century AD)[1][note 1], Tiloyapaṇṇatti (ca. 6th century AD), Trilokasāra (ca. 10th century AD) and Lokaprakāśa (ca. 11th century AD).[2][3] It is approximately equal to \(10\uparrow \uparrow (1.285 \times 10^{136})\) according to calculations by Radha Charan Gupta[2] and Muni Mahendra Kumar.[3][4][5]


Jainism is an Indian religion that has existed in some form since at least the second millennium BC, but most major pieces of literature and mathematical texts from the religion were written after the time of the Buddha, in the 4th and 5th centuries BC.

The Surya Prajñapti (ca. 4th century BC) is an ancient Indian text that separates the Gaṇanā Saṃkhya (mathematical numbers)[note 2] into three groups:

  1. Saṃkhyāta, or “Numerable”
  2. Asaṃkhyāta, or “Innumerable”
  3. Ananta, or “Infinite”

Asaṃkhyāta is split into 3 groups[6]

  1. Parīta Asaṃkhyāta, or "Nearly Innumerable"
  2. Yukta Asaṃkhyāta, or "Truly Innumerable"
  3. Asaṃkhyāta Asaṃkhyāta, or "Innumerably Innumerable"

These categories are then split up further into

  1. Jaghanya, or "Minimum"
  2. Madhyama, or "Intermediate"
  3. Utkṛṣṭa, or "Maximum"

Jaghanya Parīta Asaṃkhyāta is the smallest nearly innumerable number (Parīta Asaṃkhyāta), and the largest numerable number, Utkṛṣṭa Saṃkhyāta (US) is defined as equal to one less than JPA. Although the asaṃkhyāta and ananta are designed as stand-ins for any incomprehensibly large number, ancient traditions do give definitions for each of them. The value of JPA (and thus US) has a specific definition.

This number has parallels with the Buddhist number Asankhyeya (Incalculable), found in texts such as the Avatamsaka Sutra. In addition, various authors[7][8] have drawn parallels between the asaṃkhyāta/JPA and aleph null (\(\aleph_0\)), the cardinal number of the infinite set of integers (also known as the "first transfinite number"). It is believed that the Jains had a very advanced view of infinity compared to contemporary civilizations, being the first to discard the idea that all infinities are equal.


Diagram of land and ocean rings in the middle world (madhyaloka)

Diagram of the concentric rings of land and ocean, each twice as wide as the last

The following is the definition for JPA in simplified modern language:

Imagine that there are four enormous circular cylinders (containers), each with a diameter of 100,000 yojanas and a height of 1000 yojanas. These cylinders are called śālākā, pratiśalākā, mahāśalaka and anavasthita, although they can be more simply notated as A, B, C and X(0). The first step is to fill the anvasthita container X(0) with mustard seeds until the container is full and a conical heap is formed on top so that the container holds the maximum possible number of seeds.

Now, imagine that there is a god who carries this container and starts dropping one mustard seed each in the concentric continents and oceans situated in the universe (Jain philosophers imagine the universe existing as an endless number of concentric rings, half ocean and half land). The innermost circle is Jambūdvīpa, with a diameter of 100,000 yojanas, surrounded by the Lavaṇa Ocean with a diameter of 200,000 yojanas, surrounded by another ring with a diameter of 400,000 yojanas. Each ring is twice as wide as the last.

The god continues placing a single seed on each ring until the container X(0) is completely empty, places one seed in the cylinder A, and then creates a new cylinder X(1) with the same height but a diameter equal to that of the last ring. X(1) is then filled as much as possible and the god repeats the process, taking each seed out and placing it on a new ring. Once X(1) is empty a second seed is placed in cylinder A and X(2) is created with a diameter equal to that of the last ring.

This process is repeated until cylinder A is completely full, at which point a single seed is placed in cylinder B. The seeds of cylinder A are then placed on further rings, at which point the process continues. Once cylinder B is full a single seed is placed in cylinder C, the seeds of cylinder B are placed on further rings, and the process continues. Once cylinder C is completely filled, a final anvasthita container is created with a diameter equal to the final ring, and the number of seeds that completely fills that container is Jaghanya Parīta Asaṃkhyāta.


Let numbers of seeds in container X(i) as \(n_i\). then JPA is approximately \(n_{{n_0}^3}\).

According to the Trilokasāra (ca. 10th century AD) a yojana (approximately 12.5 kilometers) is equal to \(24,576,000,000 = 2.458 \times 10^{10}\) sarṣapas, where a sarṣapa is the width of one mustard seed. Thus, the radius of the cylinders A, B, C and X(0) are \(r = 2.458 \times 10^{10} \times 50,000 = 1.228 \times 10^{15}\) sarṣapas, and the height of each cylinder is \(h = 2.458 \times 10^{10} \times 1000 = 2.458 \times 10^{13}\) sarṣapas. The Trilokasāra also states[note 3] that the height of the conical heap is equal to the circumference of the cylinder divided by 11, which is equal to (2πr)/11. Thus, the formula for the total number of seeds in both the cylinder and conical heap is \(6r^2 h+\frac{4}{11}\pi r^3\), where \(r\) is the radius of the cylinder in sarṣapas and \(h\) is the height. This gives a value of \[n_0 = 2.342 \times 10^{45}\] total seeds in each container according to Gupta's calculation.[2] However, ancient calculations assumed that \(\pi = 3\), and under this modification the total number of seeds is slightly lower, at \(n_0 = 1.997 \times 10^{45}\).[2][4]Footnote 6

Gupta showed that \[n_{i+1} = n_i 2^{p n_i}\] where Gupta used \(p=3\) for the lower bound.[2] Although Gupta used a function defined with a sequence of \(m_{i + 1} = m_i^{m_i}\) to evaluate \(n_i\), we show evaluation with tetration here for convenience to compare with other googological numbers, where the approximation is equivalent. When \(n_0 = 2.342 \times 10^{45}\) and \(p=3\), \(n_i \approx 10 \uparrow \uparrow (i+2.219)\) for \(i>2\) with linear approximation of tetration. Therefore, JPA \(\approx n_{{n_0}^3}\) can be approximated with \[\textrm{JPA} \approx 10 \uparrow \uparrow {n_0}^3\] This approximation is valid by taking into account of some uncertainty in the values of \(n_0\) and \(p\), because when expressed as \(10 \uparrow \uparrow ({n_0}^3 + a)\), \(a\) is much smaller than \({n_0}^3\) and the value of \({n_0}^3 + a\) can be expressed as \({n_0}^3\) value.

The final value of JPA using the modern system \(\pi = 3.14159\dots\) is[2][note 4] \[\textrm{JPA} \approx 10\uparrow \uparrow (1.285 \times 10^{136})\] Using the ancient system \(\pi = 3\), the final value is \(10\uparrow \uparrow (7.965 \times 10^{135})\).

Demonin2 showed[9] that by assuming that a yojana is equivalent to 12.5 km, and that mustard seeds are spherical with a diameter of 2.5 mm and are packed using close-packing of equal spheres, the JPA value is considerably smaller than the accepted value in literature. The calculated JPA is: \[\textrm{JPA} \approx 10\uparrow \uparrow (4.546 \times 10^{109})\]


It is difficult to determine when the definition for JPA was first written, or if it evolved from a different form. The earliest possible point of its definition is the Surya Prajñapti (ca. 4th century BC). George G. Joseph[7] claims it to originate from the Anuyoga Dwara Sutra, created sometime between 200 BC and 100 AD. However, this may have been a smaller or less well-defined definition of the number. The Tiloyapaṇṇatti (ca. 500 AD), written by Yativṛṣabha, is the first concrete source of the definition. Either way, it is almost certainly the largest number given a definition at the time.

Utkṛṣṭa Ananta Ananta[]

As mentioned earlier, the Surya Prajnapti lays out a series of numbers beyond JPA, and according to research by Muni Mahendra Kumar these numbers have various definitions laid out by sources such as the Anuyoga Dwara Sutra and the later Tiloyapaṇṇatti[6]. The largest of these definitions is for Utkṛṣṭa Ananta Ananta (UAnAn), which could possibly be as large as \(10\uparrow \uparrow \uparrow 38\) using a rudimentary form of pentation[10].


For the value of \(10\uparrow \uparrow (1.285 \times 10^{136})\)

Notation Approximation
Hyper-E notation \(E2.1338\#2\#2\)
Up-arrow notation \(10 \uparrow\uparrow 10 \uparrow \uparrow 2.3291713 \approx 10 \uparrow\uparrow\uparrow 2.3672\)
Bird's array notation {10, {10, 136}, 2}
s(n) map \(s(1)^3f(s(1)^2f(443)), f(x)=x+1\)
Bashicu matrix system (0)(1)(2)(0)(0)(0)(0)(0)(0)[134]
Fast-growing hierarchy \(f_3(f_2(443))\)
Hardy hierarchy \(H_{\omega^3 + \omega^2}(443)\)


  • \(E2.1338\#2\#2 = E2.1338\#(E2.1338\#2) \approx 10\uparrow\uparrow(10\uparrow10\uparrow2.1338) \approx 10\uparrow \uparrow (1.207 \times 10^{136})\)


  1. The following are some of the different variations on the name of the Anuyogadvāra Sūtra: "Anuyogadvārasūtra", "Anuyoga Dvāra Sūtra", "Anuyoga Dwara Sutra", "Anuyog Dwar sutra", "Anuyogdwar sutra" "Aṇuogadārāiṃ", "Aṇuogaddārāiṃ".
  2. Jain literature splits the saṃkhā (numbers) into eight different types:
    1. Nāma Saṃkhya - Nominal: The Saṃkhya as name of a thing or a living being.
    2. Sthapanā Saṃkhya -  Conventional: The arbitrary attribution of number.
    3. Dravya Saṃkhya - Virtual: The person who knows of a number.
    4. Aupmya-upamāna Saṃkhya -  Comparative: Number explained through comparison.
    5. Parimāṇa Saṃkhya -  Quantitative: The extent in number (of letters, verses etc.) through which the canonical work is measured.
    6. Jñāna Saṃkhya - Epistemological: What one knows.
    7. Gaṇanā Saṃkhya - Mathematical: Numerical counting.
    8. Bhāva Saṃkhya - Real: Here saṃkhā represents "conch-shells" and not numbers.
    Gaṇanā Saṃkhya (mathematical numbers) are the relevant type for mathematics.
  3. Gupta wrote in note of his article[2] as follows. See the Trilokasāra with the commentary of Mādhavacandra and Hindi translation of Visuddhamatı, edited by R. C. Jain and C. P. Patni, Shri Mahaviraji (Rajasthan), 1975, p. 30. The rules in gāthās 22 and 23 may be compared to those given by Brahmagupta in his Brāhmasphuta-Siddhānta (AD 628), XII, 50 (see the edition by R. S. Shārma and his team, Vol. III, p. 887, New Delhi, 1966).
  4. Kumar calculated[4] \(n_0 \approx 2.341 \times 10^{45}\) and \(\textrm{JPA} \approx n_0 m \uparrow \uparrow ({n_0}^3-1)\) where \(m > 10^{10^{10^{45}}}\). Kumar's approximation is equivalent to this approximation, because \(m \uparrow \uparrow i \approx 10\uparrow \uparrow (i+3.218)\) for the lower limit of \(m\) and \(m \uparrow \uparrow {n_0}^3 \approx 10 \uparrow \uparrow {n_0}^3\). Note that if we use more rigorous \(\textrm{JPA} \approx 10 \uparrow \uparrow ({n_0}^3 + 2.218)\), it is almost identical to Gupta's calculation.


  1. Taiken Hanaki (1970), Aṇuogadārāiṃ (English translation of the Anuyogadvāra Sūtra) (, Sutta No. 508 (pp. 186)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Gupta, R. C. (1992) The First Unenumerable Number in Jaina Mathematics, Ganita Bharati, Vol. 14, No. 1-4. pp.11-24. Republished at Ramasubramanian ed. Gaṇitānanda: Selected Works of Radha Charan Gupta on History of Mathematics. Springer. (2019) pp.143-158.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Muni Mahendra Kumar, H. (1969) Vishva-prahelika (
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Muni Mahendra Kumar The Enigma Of The Universe : Mathematical Computation JVB University Ladnun. English Edition: 2010 HN4U Online Edition: 2014. Updated 2015-07-02.
  5. HereNow4U Profile of Prof. Muni Mahendra Kumar 2023-04-06.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Muni Mahendra Kumar The Enigma Of The Universe : ASAṂKHYĀTA (INNUMERABLE) JVB University Ladnun. English Edition: 2010 HN4U Online Edition: 2014. Updated 2015-03-30.
  7. 7.0 7.1 George G. Joseph (2000). The Crest of the Peacock: Non-European Roots of Mathematics (3rd ed.). (
  8. Agrawal, D. P. (2000). Ancient Jaina Mathematics: an Introduction, Infinity Foundation.
  9. Demonin2 The Various Values of n 0 for Jaghanya Parīta Asaṃkhyāta 2023-08-14
  10. Demonin2 Pentation in Ancient Indian Mathematics (śalakātrayaniṣṭhāpana) 2023-08-22

See also[]
