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Joycian decaltrix is equal to \(\text g(\textrm{g}(11,10,10),1,1,11,10,10)\) in Joyce's More Generalized Exponential Notation.[1][2][3] The value was created by Andre Joyce as a failed attempt to define the Bowersism tridecatrix, which is the correct name of decaltrix.


Notation Approximation
BEAF {10,{10,10,10},1,2}
X-Sequence Hyper-Exponential Notation 10{X+1}10{X}10
Chained arrow notation 10 → 10 → (10 → 10 → 10) → 2


  1. Pointless Gigantic List of Numbers Part 4: (order type w to w^w)Pointless Large Number Stuff. Retrieved 2021-07-26.
  2. Saibian, Sbiis. 3.2.8 - Andre Joyce - Large Numbers. Retrieved 2021-07-26.
  3. The old webpage that lists "decaltrix"