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Tridecalduplex is equal to \(\{10,4,1,2\}\) in BEAF. The term was coined by ARsygo.[1]

SeveralLegend9998 coined tetra-expanxis for this number.[2]


Notation Approximation
Bird's array notation \(\{10,4,1,2\}\) (exact)
Chained arrow notation \(10\rightarrow10\rightarrow4\rightarrow2\)
Copy notation \(10[10,10,3]\)
DeepLineMadom's Array Notation \(10[2,2]4\) (exact)
Hyper-E notation \(\text{E}10\#\#10\#4\)
Graham Array Notation \([10,10,10,3]\)
Hyperfactorial array notation \((12!9)![1]\)
Steinhaus-Moser Notation \(10[10[10[12]+2]+2]\)
Strong array notation \(\text{s}(10,4,2,2)\)
X-Sequence Hyper-Exponential Notation \(10\{X+1\}4\) (exact)
Fast-growing hierarchy \(f_{\omega}^2(f_9(10))\)
Hardy hierarchy \(H_{\omega^{\omega}2+9}(10)\)
Slow-growing hierarchy \(g_{\varphi(\varphi(\varphi(\omega^{\omega},0),0),0)}(10)\)


  1. AR Googol - Numbers from BEAF. Retrieved 2023-01-31.
  2. SeveralLegend9998's Googology Series (Retrieved 2024-06-04)