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Recently, we've been having some discussion of Bowers' pentational arrays.  Bowers talks about pentational arrays briefly, but specific details are lacking.  Here is my attempt at a rigorous definition of pentational array notation.

Definition of pentational structures[]

We define the set \(PE\) of pentational structure expressions as follows.

\(PE\) is the smallest set such that

0, 1, X are in \(PE\). If f and g are in \(PE\), then f + g, f * g, \(X^f\), and \(X \uparrow \uparrow f\) are in \(PE\).

Note that different expressions for pentational structures can express the same pentational structure.

We define the equivalence relation ~ as follows.  Given that f and g are in \(PE\):

f + g ~ g + f 

f + 0 ~ f

f * g ~ g * f 

f * 0 ~ 0

f * 1 ~ f

\(X^0 \sim 1 \)

\(X^1 \sim X \)

\(X\uparrow\uparrow 0 \sim 1 \)

\(X \uparrow\uparrow 1 \sim X\)

\(X^{f + g} \sim (X^f) * (X^g) \)

\(X^{X\uparrow \uparrow f} \sim X \uparrow\uparrow (f+1) \)

~ is the smallest equivalence relation that satisfies the above expressions.

The set \(P\) of pentational structures is defined as the set \(PE\) modulo ~.  That is, \(P\) is the set of pentational structure expressions where expressions that are related by ~ are considered the same structure.

Ordering on pentational structures[]

We need to order the pentational structures.  For a pentational structure f, define N(f) to be the minimum number of symbols in an expression for f.  We will define the comparsion between f and g by induction on max {N(f), N(g)}.

Case 1: 0 < g is true for all g not equal to 0.

Case 2: 1 < g is true for all g not equal to 0 or 1.

Case 3: f < 0 is false for all f.

Case 4: f < 1 is false unless f = 0.

Case 5: At least one of f or g is the sum of two or more expressions.

Let \(f = f_1 + f_2 + \ldots + f_m\) where \(f_1 \ge f_2 \ge \ldots \ge f_m\). (Note that \N(f_i) < \N(f)\) so we can assume by induction that comparisons for the \(f_i\) have already been defined.)

Let \(g = g_1 + g_2 + \ldots + g_n\) where \(g_1 \ge g_2 \ge \ldots \ge g_n\).

\(f < g \Leftrightarrow \exists i (f_i < g_i \wedge \forall j < i (f_j = g_j)) \vee (\forall i \le m (f_i = g_i) \wedge n > m) \).

(In other words, we compare the summands term by term, starting from the largest, until we find a pair that are different.  Whichever summand is greater will belong to the greater sum.)

Case 6: At least one of f or g can be written as the product of two or more expressions.

Let \(f = f_1 * f_2 * \ldots * f_m\) where \(f_1 \ge f_2 \ge \ldots \ge f_m\), and no \(f_i)\) is of the form \(X^{a+b}\) where a and b are nonzero.

Let \(g = g_1 * g_2 * \ldots * g_n\) where \(g_1 \ge g_2 \ge \ldots \ge g_n\), and no \(g_i)\) is of the form \(X^{a+b}\) where a and b are nonzero.

Then as before,

\(f < g \Leftrightarrow \exists i (f_i < g_i \wedge \forall j < i (f_j = g_j)) \vee (\forall i \le m (f_i = g_i) \wedge n > m) \).

Case 7: \(f = X^F, g = X^G\)

\(f < g \Leftrightarrow F < G\).

Case 8: \(f = X \uparrow\uparrow F, g = X \uparrow\uparrow G\)

\(f < g \Leftrightarrow F < G\).

Case 9: \(f = X^F, g = X \uparrow\uparrow G\)

If \(F = X \uparrow \uparrow H\), then \(f < g \Leftrightarrow H+1 < G \). Otherwise, \(f < g \Leftrightarrow F < g\).

Case 10: \(f = X \uparrow\uparrow F, g = X^G\)

If \(G = X \uparrow \uparrow H\), then \(f < g \Leftrightarrow F < H+1 \). Otherwise, \(f < g \leftrightarrow f < G\).

This completely defines the comparison relation.

Standard form for pentational structures[]

We define the standard form for a pentational array f.

If f is a nontrivial sum, order the summands from largest to smallest, and express each summand in standard form.

If f is of the form \(X^{g+h}\) express it in the form \((X^g) * (X^h) \), and express g and h in standard form.

If f is a nontrivial product, order the factors from largest to smallest, and express each factor in standard form.

If f is of the form \(X^{X\uparrow\uparrow f}\), express it in the form \(X \uparrow \uparrow (f+1) \), with f expressed in standard form.

Fundamental sequences for pentational structures[]

Given f expressed in standard form, define f[n], the nth element of the fundamental sequence for f, as follows:

If \(f = 0, f[n] = 0\).

If \(f = g+1, f[n] = g\).

If \(f = f_1 + f_2 + \ldots + f_m\), then \(f[n] = f_1 + f_2 + \ldots + f_m[n]\).

If \(f = f_1 * f_2 * \ldots * f_m\), then \(f[n] = f_1 * f_2 * \ldots * f_m[n]\).

If \(f = X^1\), \(f[n] = n \).

If \(f = X^g\), \(f[n] = X^{g[n]} \).

If \(f = X\uparrow\uparrow {g + 1}, f[n] = (X\uparrow\uparrow g)*(X\uparrow\uparrow g)* \ldots *(X\uparrow\uparrow g)\), where there are n terms in the product.

If \(f = X\uparrow\uparrow g\) and g is not of the form h+1, then \(f[n] = X\uparrow\uparrow (g[n])\).

Prime blocks for pentational structures[]

We will use the same definition for the prime blocks as used by FB100Z in his Ordinal BEAF notation.

Call f a successor pentational structure if f is of the form g+1 for some g.

Call f a limit pentational structure if f is neither a successor pentational structure nor 0.

Define \(P_p (\alpha) \), the prime block of \(\alpha\), as follows:

\(P_p(0) = \lbrace \rbrace\).

\(P_p(f + 1) = \lbrace f \rbrace \cup P_p (f) \).

If f is a limit pentational structure, \(P_p (f) = P_p (f[p])\).

Pentational Arrays[]

Having defined prime blocks for pentational structures, we are now ready to define pentational arrays.  A pentational array is a map from pentational structures to the natural numbers; we can notate this as

\(\lbrace (\alpha_1, n_1), (\alpha_2, n_2), \ldots, (\alpha_m, n_m) \rbrace\), where the \(\alpha_i\) are increasing.  The 0 structure will map to the base number, and the 1 structure will map to the prime number.  The pilot P will be the smallest structure greater than 1 mapping to a positive number, and the copilot CP will be the structure such that P = CP+1, if such a structure exists.  The definition of BEAF is the usual one.

Hopefully there are no major mistakes, and we have successfully defined pentational arrays.

Relationship between structures and ordinals[]

In the following, A will stand for an arbitrary structure with corresponding ordinal \(\alpha\).

Structure Ordinal
\(X \uparrow\uparrow X\) \(\varepsilon_0\)
\(X \uparrow\uparrow X + 1\) \(\varepsilon_0 + 1\)
\(X \uparrow\uparrow X + A\) \(\varepsilon_0 + \alpha\)
\(X \uparrow\uparrow X * 2\) \(\varepsilon_0 * 2\)
\(X \uparrow\uparrow X * A\) \(\varepsilon_0 * \alpha\)
\((X \uparrow\uparrow X) ^ 2\) \(\varepsilon_0 ^ 2\)
\((X \uparrow\uparrow X) ^ n\) \(\varepsilon_0 ^ n\)
\(X \uparrow\uparrow (X + 1) \) \(\varepsilon_0 ^ {\omega}\)
\(X ^ {X \uparrow\uparrow X} \) \(\omega ^ {\varepsilon_0 * \omega}\)
\(X ^ {X \uparrow\uparrow X} + A \) \(\omega ^ {\varepsilon_0 * \omega} + \alpha\)
\(X ^ {X \uparrow\uparrow X} * 2 \) \(\omega ^ {\varepsilon_0 * \omega} * 2\)
\(X ^ {X \uparrow\uparrow X} * A\) \(\omega ^ {\varepsilon_0 * \omega} * \alpha\)
\(X ^ {X \uparrow\uparrow X + 1} \) \(\omega ^ {\varepsilon_0 * \omega + 1} \)
\(X ^ {X \uparrow\uparrow X + A} \) \(\omega ^ {\varepsilon_0 * \omega + \alpha} \)
\(X ^ {X \uparrow\uparrow X} * X \uparrow\uparrow X\) \(\omega ^ {\varepsilon_0 * (\omega + 1)} \)
\(X ^ {X \uparrow\uparrow X} * X \uparrow\uparrow X * A\) \(\omega ^ {\varepsilon_0 * (\omega + 1 + \alpha)} \)
\(X ^ {X \uparrow\uparrow X} * (X \uparrow\uparrow X)^2\) \(\omega ^ {\varepsilon_0 ^ 2 } \)
\(X ^ {X \uparrow\uparrow X} * (X \uparrow\uparrow X)^n\) \(\omega ^ {\varepsilon_0 ^ n } \)
\(X ^ {X \uparrow\uparrow X * 2}\) \(\omega ^ {\varepsilon_0 ^ {\omega} } \)
\(X ^ {X \uparrow\uparrow X * (1 + A}\) \(\omega ^ {\varepsilon_0 ^ {\omega * \alpha} } \)
\(X ^ {(X \uparrow\uparrow X)^2}\) \(\omega ^ {\varepsilon_0 ^ {\varepsilon_0} } \)
\(X ^ {(X \uparrow\uparrow X)^n}\) \(\omega ^ {\omega ^ {\varepsilon_0 * n} } \)
\(X ^ {X ^ {X \uparrow\uparrow X}} \) \(\omega ^ {\omega ^{\varepsilon_0 * \omega}} \)
\(X ^ {X ^ {X \uparrow\uparrow X}} + A \) \(\omega ^ {\omega ^{\varepsilon_0 * \omega}} + \alpha \)
\(X ^ {X ^ {X \uparrow\uparrow X}} * A \) \(\omega ^ {\omega ^{\varepsilon_0 * \omega}} * \alpha \)
\((X ^ {X ^ {X \uparrow\uparrow X}}) ^ n \) \(\omega ^ {\omega ^{\varepsilon_0 * \omega} * n} \)
\((X ^ {X ^ {X \uparrow\uparrow X + 1}}) \) \(\omega ^ {\omega ^{\varepsilon_0 * \omega + 1}} \)
\((X ^ {X ^ {X \uparrow\uparrow X + A}}) \) \(\omega ^ {\omega ^{\varepsilon_0 * \omega + \alpha}} \)
\((X ^ {X ^ {X \uparrow\uparrow X} * X \uparrow \uparrow X}) \) \(\omega ^ {\omega ^{\varepsilon_0 * \omega + \varepsilon_0}} \)
\((X ^ {X ^ {X \uparrow\uparrow X} * (X \uparrow \uparrow X)^n}) \) \(\omega ^ {\omega ^{\varepsilon_0 ^ n}} \)
\((X ^ {X ^ {X \uparrow\uparrow X * 2} }) \) \(\omega ^ {\omega ^{\varepsilon_0 ^ {\omega} }} \)
\((X ^ {X ^ {X \uparrow\uparrow X * ( 1 + A)} }) \) \(\omega ^ {\omega ^{\varepsilon_0 ^ {\omega * \alpha}}} \)
\((X ^ {X ^ {X \uparrow\uparrow X * A} }) \) \(\omega ^ {\omega ^{\varepsilon_0 * (\omega * \alpha)}} \)
\(X ^ {X ^ {(X \uparrow\uparrow X)^2}}\) \(\omega ^ {\omega ^ {\varepsilon_0 ^ {\varepsilon_0} } } \)
\(X ^ {X ^ {(X \uparrow\uparrow X)^n}}\) \(\omega ^ {\omega ^ {\omega ^ {\varepsilon_0 * n} } } \)
\(X ^ {X ^ {X ^ {X \uparrow\uparrow X}}} \) \(\omega ^ {\omega ^ {\omega ^{\varepsilon_0 * \omega}}} \)
\(X \uparrow \uparrow (2X) \) \(\varepsilon_1 \)
\(X \uparrow \uparrow ((A+1) X) \) \(\varepsilon_(\alpha) \)
\(X \uparrow \uparrow (X \uparrow \uparrow X) \) \(\varepsilon_{\varepsilon_0} \)
\(X \uparrow \uparrow (X \uparrow \uparrow (X \uparrow\uparrow X)) \) \(\varepsilon_{\varepsilon_{\varepsilon_0}} \)
\(X \uparrow \uparrow \uparrow X \) \(\phi_2 (0) \)