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Googology Wiki

First I define as the union of every algebra produced by the Cayley-Dickson construction.

Then, xelpmoC(m,n) for any m and non-negative integer n is defined as follows:

xelpmoC(m,0) = 1

xelpmoC(m,n+1) = xelpmoC(n)^m+ where is the n-th imaginary unit.

Another function whose domain is the non-negative integers and whose range is the elements of :

complexsum(1) = 1

complexsum(n+1) = complexsum(n)+ where is the n-th imaginary unit of the algebra which has an n-th imaginary unit produced by the fewest number of Cayley-Dickson constructions .

I define Imaginary Boundless Constant as complexsum(n)

Should Imaginary Boundless Constant be considered an infinite number?
