Googology Wiki
Googology Wiki

Should we delete all numbers by Sbiis Saibian's numbers? Because in the "Explore" section, when I click on "Random Page", then it always takes me to an article about a number by Sbiis Saibian. Also, the numbers are just salad numbers so there isn't really much purpose to it.

I say we have a vote about deleting numbers by Sbiis Saibian.

I vote yes, and I'll update this vote as people comment.

Yes: 0

No: 5


Deedlit's first comment explains this: 1

Rpakr's first reply to Deedlit's first comment explains this option: 3

Kamafadelagato's first comment: 1

nnn6nnn's first comment: 1

MachineGunSuper's first comment: 1

If you have a vote or any comments, then please leave a comment below. Also, as I am not an admin, if "Yes" is the majority, then I'll have to talk to an admin or one of the voters will.
