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An expression in NLPrSS are sequences defined recursively as \(()\),\(\Omega_n\) for an arbitrary natural number \(n\), or a sequence thereof.

\(\&\) denotes concatenation, \(\#_n\) denotes a sequence variable where \(n\) is an arbitrary natural number (\(n\) may be omitted if there is only one).

Let \(S\) be an NLPrSS expression. Define recursively a function \(\mathrm{cof}\) taking an NLPrSS expression and giving an NLPrSS expression as follows:

  • Suppose \(S=()\)
    • \(\mathrm{cof}(S)=()\)
  • Suppose \(S=\#\&()\)
    • \(\mathrm{cof}(S)=(())\)
  • Suppose \(S=\#_0\&(\#_1\&())\)
    • \(\mathrm{cof}(S)=((),(()))\)

